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Friday, July 8, 2011

Better Eyes For The Next Generation of UAVs

Hyperspectral Sensors: The Flying Eyes That See The Invisible -- Popular Mechanics

Hyperspectral imagers seen in bands of light that humans cannot. They are changing the way satellites scan the world, and now they're about to go aboard unmanned aircraft.

Bees see what we don't. Their eyes are adept at seeing in ultraviolet, so much so that flowers have evolved colorful patterns visible only in UV to attract bees' attention.

The vision of these buzzing insects is just one example of what lies beyond the limits of our naked eyes. In the bands beyond what we can see, there's lots of data that can be used to identify objects. But a new breed of man-made sensors is, like the eye of a bee, plucking information from a wider part of the spectrum than a camera or eye can see.

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My Comment: In short .... you can run but you cannot hide .... the reaper uav in the sky will still be able to see you.


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